Appamada, a center for contemporary Zen practice and inquiry, operates completely through your generosity. Each week we freely offer 15 in-person and online meditation, study, and community opportunities. We operate efficiently at a cost of about $400/day and we depend entirely on your donations of time, expertise, and presence. Appamada is a 501(C)(3) corporation.
At Appamada, space and time are freely offered so that anyone may come and be nourished by the teachings, by the connections with the teachers and sangha, and by the practice. And at the same time, this place, these programs, and this sangha are maintained by and depend on the generosity of its supporters.
Generosity is a fundamentally relational activity: it cannot be practiced alone. It establishes connections that are conduits for energy, imagination, care, appreciation, support, encouragement, and attention. True relationality is imbued with generosity that cannot help but flow both ways, and even ripple outward beyond the immediate occasion and circumstances of giving. It actually permeates the entire universe, perfuming it with our highest aspirations.
Furthermore, as we become more attentive, we cannot help but notice the vast network of generosity in which our entire lives have been supported and nourished. Our hearts are opened and a profound appreciation naturally flows through us freely finding new expressions in our own generosity. Welcome to the world of abundance, the world of unceasing, universal dana, the whole-hearted expression of appamada.
Please note: There are (at least) two ways that you can also help support Appamada financially at no cost to you:
Matching contributions. Many corporations and organizations will match employees charitable contributions. You might check to see if there is such a program at your workplace.
Give through your estate. You may designate Appamada as a beneficiary for some portion of your estate, either in your will or trust, on an insurance policy, investment or retirement fund, savings account, or annuity.
If you’d like to learn more, contact us: