Two-Day+ Intensive on the Five Skandhas
Dharma Friends,
You are invited to join Appamada Entrusted Teachers Joel Barna and Kim Mosley, for a “Two-Day+” Intensive.
Schedule: (All times are Central Daylight Time)
March 13: 7-9pm, March 14: 6:30-7:45am, 7-9pm. March 15: 8am-5pm (with breaks for lunch and work practice)
Deadline for registration: Monday, March 10.
The theme of this brief intensive will be, “The Five Skandhas.” During the intensive, we will explore Buddhist teachings on form, sensation, perception, mental formations, and consciousness (the skandhas). Through meditation, dharma talks, activities, and group discussions, we will examine the nature of perception and cognition and how they contribute to the persistent illusion of the separate self. It's good for us to remind ourselves periodically about what the Buddha taught: We shouldn't quite believe our eyes and ears and other sensations (and particularly our thoughts) as thoroughly as we usually do.
(This connects with “Embodiment in Zen," the theme for the Spring 2025 practice period, which begins on Sunday, March 16. We will have the opening ceremony for a new head student on March 16, in place of that day's dharma talk.)
All sessions will be hybrid — in person at the Appamada zendo and online via Zoom. A zoom link will be shared in the Appamada calendar.
As with all intensives, we ask you to participate wholeheartedly—by being present, coming from your heart, and showing curiosity and care—and that you follow the schedule completely. For each session and after each break, please find your seat at least five minutes before the session starts.
If you will be attending in the zendo, please bring a sack lunch on Saturday.
March intensive costs include daily operating costs for Appamada. Based on expected attendance, both onsite and online, we estimate the cost per person at $50. Please consider this information as you determine what you can contribute in support of the intensive. Appamada depends on the generosity of its members, and all are welcome.