Appamada Leadership
Many people have roles in support of our Appamada sangha. Follow the links below to learn more or to contact someone here.
Appamada Senior Teachers
Appamada Dharma Teachers
Appamada Zen Mentors
Appamada Councils
Event Coordinating and Purchasing (Contact Ann Lipscomb)
Genève Gil
Ann Lipscomb
Amanda Quraishi
Connie Randolph
Darcy Schneider
Council 3
Facilities Interior
(Contact Susan Kaderka)
Sandra Medina Bocangel
Joan Harman
Ellen Hippard
Susan Kaderka
Nathan Smalley
Council 4
Facilities Exterior and Calendar (Contact Lesley Bradstreet)
Nelda Adamson
Jess Ambiee
Lesley Bradstreet
C. Seren8y Fernandes
Lauren Jaben
Dan Moser