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New Website Debuts Sunday!

While there is still plenty of content from past years to be added to the new website, it will be going live this week, and we will be offering a tour so that you can get familiar with it. It’s surprising just how much material we have in our archives! We are very pleased with the Squarespace platform, which offers beautiful templates and an easy interface. They provide a “turnkey” approach to web building and hosting, so we will not have to worry about updates to the platform or administrative management. If you don’t have any experience building and maintaining a website that probably won’t mean much to you, but it is a big deal for me and other folks who will be adding content to the site. Please do look around the site and let me know if there is anything that needs attention, whether grammatically or in terms of links or graphics that do not work properly, navigation that is confusing, and so on. In other words, anything that causes you to stumble or wrinkle your brow.

All of the recorded dharma talks and inquiry sessions from 2010 to 2019 have been posted and intensives from 2019 back to 2016. I am working backwards from the present so it will take a little while to be sure all the intensives are up. The pages for Depth in Practice and Way-Seeking Mind talks and so on are also up to date. You can find recordings of dharma talks, inquiry sessions, and so on under the “Teachings” tab, and under the “Study” tab are suggestions for newcomers and others looking to deepen their practice. A couple of things to be aware of in the Study section are materials for newcomers, the full copy of Appamada’s chant book, the explanation of our daily chants, and a pretty extensive list of recommended books.

In the People section you will find listings for anyone with an official role at Appamada, including Board members, Zen Mentors, and Council members. Each names is linked to the contact page where you can send a message if you wish.

If there’s something you’d like to see on the website, please let me know. The more eyes the better!