We come together sharing a warm commitment to support each other in deepening our practice. In that spirit, teachers and participants together make some agreements to provide an environment to foster this profound work and strong practice. When you have read them, please check the box on the intensive application to show that you are willing to undertake these agreements.

I agree to maintain a daily sitting practice from the time of this application through the intensive.

I will participate in the entire schedule, including interviews, zazen, talks, meals, work practice, and any assigned tasks.

I will be on time for all activities.

I agree not to use alcohol or recreational drugs during the intensive.

I understand that this is a silent retreat, except for individual practice discussions with the teacher and specific inquiry or discussion activities. I will do my best to maintain silence even when returning home at night during the time of the intensive.

I will not use the computer, cell phone or pager during this retreat except for emergencies. I will not read outside materials or write except as instructed to. 

I understand that my physical, mental, and emotional well-being are my own responsibility. Zen practice is not a substitute for therapy. I am capable of undertaking the rigors of an intensive at this time. I am seeking medical or therapeutic treatment for any condition(s) I have, and have revealed all pertinent information on this form.

I understand that talks and their question and answer sessions are recorded and may be made publicly available. I give my consent to be recorded.