Shinso Ito

Skillful and meritorious practices work on the deep unconscious level of the mind, reorienting the psyche toward the boundless lovingkindness, compassion, joy, and equanimity that characterizes your Buddhanature. And that’s what liberates us and makes us happy in everday life, regardless of the external circumstances we may find ourselves in. 

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Robert Adams

The only way you will ever awaken is through the silence, not through analyzation of facts. Not by sorting out good and bad, but through simple silence, letting go. Letting go of all thoughts, all the hurts, all the dogmas and concepts. Letting go of these things daily. 

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Chögyam Trungpa

The main point of meditation is that we need to get to know ourselves: our minds, our behavior, our being. We think we know ourselves, but actually we don’t. There are all sorts of undiscovered areas of our thoughts and actions. What we find in ourselves might be quite astounding!

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Paul Hawken

When we know that to take care of one life we have to take care of all life—and that life includes what we say, how we act, what we do, and what we honor—that is the beginning of the sacred embodiment that leads to true civilization.

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