Wendell Berry

You mustn’t wish for another life, you mustn’t want to be somebody else. What you must do is this: “Rejoice evermore Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks.” I am not all the way capable of so much, but those are the right instructions.

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Aura Glaser

One of the essential elements of life is the understanding that everything we encounter—fear, resentment, jealousy, embarrassment—is actually an invitation to see clearly where we are shutting down and holding back.

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William R. Stimson

We get quiet for a moment in meditation. We sink down to a relaxedness, a calmness, abruptly free from all the crazy dreams we confuse with reality. And in that instant, by mistake maybe, or because we aren’t thinking to stop it from happening—we experience, in a flash, things as they really are.

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Bernie Glassman and Rick Fields

Anger is considered a poison when it’s self-motivated and self-centered. But take that attachment to the self out of anger and the same emotion becomes the fierce energy of determination, which is a very positive force … Drop the self-orientation from ignorance, and it becomes a state of unknowing that allows new things to rise.

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