zendo supplies

Toilet Paper: Save Trees Co. Note: as of 3/25 we have these shipped every few months.

Paper Folded Towels: Amazon

Cough Drops: Amazon

Napkins, etc.: HEB or Walmart

Laundry Soap: Amazon

Zafus and Zabutons:
Dharmacrafts http://www.dharmacrafts.com

Altar figures:
Ebay: http://stores.ebay.com/tokyotrad

Altar tall candles: 9" X 1-1/2" 51% Beeswax: Church Supply Warehouse
or from (less expensive) F.C.Zieglers (www.Zieglers.com) Catholic Arts and Gifts at 2115 W Anderson Lane, Bldg 5, Ste 2115 (512) 458-2479.Cathedral 51% Beeswax | Size 1-1/2" X 9" | All Purpose End (APE) | 11123212.
Long-lasting tealights: Country Light Candle Co. http://www.countrylightcandle.com/

Candle followers:

Incense supplies:
Chip Incense: Baieido Mysore Sandalwood Chips

Stick incense:
Smokeless Baieido Bibou Kobunboku: https://sensia.com/bikou-kobunboku-smokeless-baieido-flat-box/

Charcoal disks:
Sensia http://www.sensia.com/

Ceramic incensors:
Still Sitting http://www.stillsitting.com

Cups for Precepts, other supplies
Korin.com (located in Manhattan. Allow time for shipping)


Custom mala design: Custom Mala Shop
Sakura Designs: Wide variety of malas and custom options. They also offer restringing services:

Shoji screens and tatami mats
Oriental furniture: http://www.orientalfurniture.com/oriental-furniture/Room-Screen-Dividers.html
Chopa: http://www.chopa.com/ShopSite/shoji_screens.html
Shoji paper for Zendo: http://www.eshoji.com

Window film:
Decorative Film: http://www.decorativefilm.com

Furniture recommendation:
Study Tables: Room & Board
Study Chairs: Bellini Chairs
Other furniture: Green Tea Design

Web Services:
Web hosting and domain registration: Squarespace
Wufoo (form builder): www.wufoo.com
Google Groups email member list

Nonin Chowaney (may be retired now): http://www.prairiewindzen.org/calligraphy/

Printing and Signage
FedEx Office online printing (copies): https://printonline.fedex.com/v2.2.0/?lid=fo_pol
All printing for copies is done on resume weight Astrobright White
Signs: Capital Architectural Signs, 512.490.0049
10712 N. Lamar
Austin TX
Professional Printing: Alphagraphics, 512-323-5000
11209 Metric Blvd. Suite B
Austin TX 78758

Paperless invitations:
Paperless post: http://www.paperlesspost.com/
Pingg (teacher recognition ceremony invitations were Minimalist Zen): http://www.pingg.com

University Federal Credit Union: http://www.ufcu.org
Paypal: http://www.paypal.com

Appamada font: Univers, by Adrian Frutiger


Alternate font: Source Sans Pro (free open source font from Adobe: http://sourceforge.net/projects/sourcesans.adobe/?source=dlp)


JetPens (pens that you can't usually get in the U.S.; inexpensive and fabulous): www.jetpens.com

I like the Pilot Multiball (archival ink that is waterproof and solvent-proof)

Error correction (white ink): Uniball Signo

Chalk mechanical Pencil for marking sewing: Bohin Mechanical Pencil Extra Fine (white)