Council Responsibilities

These are the roles for the councils for 2025. These roles rotate approximately every year.

  • Council 1 (continuing) — Entrusted teachers work with senior teachers to plan programs including classes and intensives. (Teacher Tasks)

  • Council 2 — Work with teachers to set up registration forms for programs including classes and intensives; send program/intensive details to Council 4 to be added to the calendar; and be responsible for purchasing supplies (for interior and exterior) as requested by Council 3 and 4. (Event Coordination/Purchasing)

  • Council 3 —Responsible for overseeing maintenance of the interior of the zendo building & tracking and requesting supplies needed for the interior. (Indoor Tasks)

  • Council 4 — Update calendar with events including classes and intensives. Include Zoom link and password, as needed. Compile the weekly email list of events. Oversee the maintenance of the exterior of the zendo property including organizing outdoor workdays, and tracking and requesting supplies needed for the exterior. (Calendars and Exterior Tasks)

  • Council 5 (perhaps continuing)— Online monitoring (coordination, training, and doing) and Recordings (editing, coordination, training, and doing)

    Be reminded that these jobs may be assigned to others, both in other councils and in the sangha at large. The responsibility that it gets done remains with the particular council above.

If you have any questions about Councils, please ask one of the teachers or a Council member.