Instructor: Peg Syverson
August 11-September 8, 2016

Location: Appamada

In the preface to Joanna Macy's Coming Back to Life, the Dalai Lama wrote: In our present state of affairs, the very survival of humankind depends on people developing concern for the whole of humanity, not just their own community or nation. The reality of our situation impels us to act and think more clearly. Narrow-mindedness and self-centered thinking may have served us well in the past, but today will only lead to disaster. We can overcome such attitudes through the combination of education and training.

Macy points out that while we are wreaking unparalleled destruction on the life of our planet, we <i>can</i> choose life—we can make the shift from an industrial growth model and its nightmare consequences toward a life-sustaining way of living. In this class we will explore her model of the Great Turning, which includes three dimensions: holding actions in defense of life, transformation of our foundations, and a shift in perception and values. For many years Joanna Macy has been enabling people to move from despair to empowerment and action. Yet she does not divide the world into "good guys" and "bad guys." Her model is inclusive and deeply grounded in her Buddhist training and practice. Please join us in the profound inquiry into a life-sustaining future.

Class 1: Coming from gratitude
Class 2: Honoring our pain for the world
Class 3: Seeing with new eyes
Class 4: Going forth

Resources and Handouts

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Course Text: Coming Back to Life: The Updated Guide to The Work that Reconnects. by Joanna Macy and Molly Brown. Please make sure that you order this updated version.